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南京欧风 开启白领特价班啦! 如果您的工作需要有德语、法语的语言技能,如果多一门语言技能可以为您的工作更上一层楼,那为什么还要犹豫?! 活动只到7.31号!!!快行动吧! 活动详情: 即日起至7.31日,凡在欧风报名 德语基础 白领特价班 的同学便可以享
所谓主格人称代词,就是在句子中做主语的人称代词,例如"我吃饭"中的我,"他喝水"中的他,等等。下面是葡萄牙语的六个主格人称代词: eu(我) tu(你) ele(他)ela(她) ns(我们) vs(你们) eles(他们)elas(她们) 我们可以将这六个主格人称代
不规则的过去分词 在葡萄牙语中,有少数动词,其过去分词是不规则的,需要我们单独记忆。下面是一组常用动词的过去分词: dizer(说)--- dito escrever(写)--- escrito fazer(做)--- feito ganhar(赢得)--- ganho pr(放置)--- posto ver(看见)--- visto vir(
动词与宾格代词的缩合 本次介绍与o/a/os/as这四个宾格代词有关的两种字母缩合。一个动词(包括原形和变位),如果它的最后一个字母是r/s/z,那么当o/a /os/as这四个宾格代词出现在它后面时,r/s/z必须省略,同时将这四个宾格代词变成 lo/la/los/las。请看三个
----在哪里? = Onde ...? Onde est ...? 车费多少钱?= Quanto que custa o bilhete? 票= Bilhete 一张去----的票 = Um bilhete para ..., por favor. 你去哪里? = Para onde que vai? 火车= Comboio 公共汽车= Autocarro 地铁= Metro 飞机场= Aeroporto 火车
Indirect object nouns and pronouns (i pronomi indiretti) answer the question to whom? or for whom? In English, the word to is sometimes omitted: We gave a cookbook to Uncle John. We gave Uncle John a cookbook. In Italian, the preposition a
Transitive verbs take direct objectswhich can be direct object pronouns (i pronomi diretti). These pronouns are the person or thing affected by the action of the transitive verb and answer the question what? or whom? For example: She invit
In Italian, the pronoun ne can mean about, any, some, of it, of them, from it, from them, or from there. It can also replace a prepositional phrase beginning with da or di. Here are a few examples: Parliamo di Mario. (We talk about Mario.)
What is a reflexive verb (verbo riflessivo)? A verb is reflexive when the action carried out by the subject is performed on the same subject. Not all verbs are reflexive. In order to make a verb reflexive, drop the -e of its infinitive end
1.陈述句通常是主语在前,谓语在后。 Esto es una mesa. 这是一张桌子。 主语 谓语 Ella se llama Ana. 她叫安娜。 主语 谓语 2.一般疑问句通常是主语和动词倒装。 Es l Pepe? 他是贝贝吗? Es Pepe chino? 贝贝是中国人吗? Es sta tu casa? 这是你家的房子吗



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